About the Supervisor
does Supervision work?
Supervision References

«Maren supported my coaching development in supervision with her natural empathy and supportive style. Maren has a lovely ability to focus her questions to help me think more deeply.» Sharon Britton, United Kingdom
«Maren's supervision is rigorous and light. It is rooted in learning and ethical practice. One of the most significant things I have taken from my experience of working with Maren as a supervisor, is consideration of what is explicit and what is not - paying attention to sometimes small things on the surface and looking to see if they are part of something significant. Often those small things are the signals for what is not being said, what is not yet explicit. It has been extremely useful to reflect on the work I did with Maren with hindsight. What I know now is that what we looked at together has become an increasingly important area of attention in my coaching but also in my broader personal and professional life and in my development.» Independent Professional Coach and Consultant, United Kingdom
«As a newly qualified coach, and picking up my first professional clients, this experience of supervision has been key to providing me with a safe place to discuss and reflect on my practice, therefore providing a safety-net for both my clients and I. It has helped me to reflect on myself, not only as a coach, but also on my wider personal and professional operation. Maren is very skilful at listening for the ‘un-said’ and reflecting this back in the form of powerful questions and challenges. I always get to a place of clarity and insight.» Executive Coach, United Kingdom
«Maren als Supervisorin kennengelernt zu haben, war für mich eine wunderbare Erfahrung. Ihre einfühlsame Art, ihr präzises Hin- und Zuhören und der gute Kontakt machten für mich die Zusammenarbeit besonders wertvoll. Maren hat mich besonders durch ihre Fragen und ihre Klarheit inspiriert und mich optimal in meinem Prozess unterstützt und in der meiner Entwicklung begleitet.» Change Management Consultant, Germany